EP_CAP Mineral Mastery LESSON 1: MINERAL MADNESSs The Supersti ona. Said to be the si Assume a student has been handed a mineral in nic rock is near 200 mil her geology lab and assigned to read a lesson ry man in a secret Spani which describes a site. In this case, the e mine was never re-fou lesson is a story that holds some clues about with rich ore. Now, t a mineral's physical attributes. e grounds. You spot a m Using the story, her own analysis of the The summer sun g specimen, and Mineral Mastery's search it against a piece of s capabilities, she can attempt to identify it. quartz rock is able und...? Mineral Mastery provides an electronic Months of de notepad that pops up whenever you need it. let out a half-crazed Let's first read the lesson. Then we'll look professor Fr at some features of the notepad. Placing a hand on your r most recent find. What is this mineral?x Filename: C:LES1.LES PgUp PgDn Esc=quit F10:Notepad xxxxt